Knorr-Bremse. Global Purchasing Excellence.
We believe that high quality materials, an elaborate development phase and extensive testing are necessary to produce durable products. Trusting business relationships that meet our high standards for quality, sustainable use of materials and capacity for innovation are essential for our purchasing.
On this website you will find the latest requirements and guidelines for our business partners. Adherence to these guidelines is essential for a lasting and successful partnership, so that together we can meet the existing and future challenges of a dynamic market.
Message to our suppliers
We've created this platform with you, our suppliers, in mind to make your journey through Knorr-Bremse's purchasing processes as smooth as possible. We understand that each of our three purchasing departments operates uniquely, using different tools and processes. That's why we've set up a dedicated area on our portal for each department. A good partnership with you is essential to the success of Knorr-Bremse and we highly value the role you play in our business.
Purchasing – Knorr-Bremse Group
Purchasing departments of Knorr-Bremse

Direct Purchasing for Rail Vehicle Systems (RVS)
We procure goods and services that are directly incorporated into the products of our Rail Vehicle Systems division. These resources are all integrated into the end products that we deliver to our customers and are essential for the manufacture of our products.
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Direct Purchasing for Commercial Vehicle Systems (CVS)
We procure goods and services that are directly integrated into the manufacture of our products in the Commercial Vehicle Systems division. These are integral components of the products that we supply to our customers. They are absolutely necessary for the manufacture of our products.
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Purchasing for Indirect Material
We focus on the cross-divisional procurement of goods and services that are essential for the day-to-day operations and support functions of our business (e.g. office supplies, IT hardware and software or maintenance services). These are not used directly in the manufacture of our products.
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