Efficient Procurement at Knorr-Bremse Indirect Purchasing

At Knorr-Bremse, we place great importance on our relationship with suppliers. This website is designed to provide you with the necessary information and resources to create a mutually beneficial and cooperative partnership with our worldwide organization.

Indirect Purchasing involves acquiring goods and services essential for a company's day-to-day operations and support functions, such as office supplies, software licenses, maintenance services and professional services. Unlike direct purchasing, which involves goods used in production, indirect purchasing focuses on acquiring resources that contribute to the overall functioning of the organization. Effective management of indirect purchasing can result in cost savings, enhanced operational efficiency, and streamlined processes within the company.

Main Categories Indirect Purchasing

Indirect Purchsing Landscape

Supplier Enablement

Supplier enablement refers to the seamless electronic integration of suppliers (or other trading partners) into a company’s supply chain. Through this process, suppliers of goods and services are connected to the company’s back-office systems, allowing for the exchange of essential business documents such as purchase orders, invoices, and other relevant information. This integration streamlines communication and enhances efficiency within the supply chain .

Supplier Enablement

General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions (GTC) are standardized contractual clauses that are not individually negotiated for each contract but apply uniformly to all contracting parties. They regulate various aspects of contracts and serve to create transparency and legal clarity. Terms and Conditions may include information related to delivery, ownership retention, withdrawal rights, liability, and other relevant terms. Companies use them to simplify contract negotiations and establish consistent rules for their business transactions.

General Terms and Conditions